SENJ well-known city for strong wind “BURA”


My dear Lovelies,
Today I put a few words about interesting City of Senj. I visited it many, many times but only in transit-form. That means just drinking coffee for a break when I traveled toward other parts of Croatian coast. Senj is well known as a place where always you can feel strong wind ( years ago that was usual also in the middle of the summer) but last years it is not the same. I like to say: it must be connected with the climate change.
In the following text you can find facts about Senj.
The town of Senj is the largest urban but small city on the Croatian coast beetwen Rijeka and Zadar. The town area comprises the maritime coast which is 76 km long and is situated beetwen the sea and the slopes of Kapela and Velebit (Velebit is the biggest mountain in Croatia).
Fortress Nehaj was erected in 1558 when the Turks and Venice were at the peak of their power. In those bitter times Senj with its inhabitants resisted numerous attacks of the enemy trying to seize control over the town. Ivan Lenković, the capitain of the Senj uskoks ordered all churches and monasteries being outside the town walls to be destroyed and a new fortress on the Trbušnjak hill (62 m) to be built. The fortress erected on the hill top was difficult to access so that it was impossible to carry it.

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Thanks for visiting me,

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