BLACK SLEEVELESS TOP & croatian-english post

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Hello my lovely Readers!

Today I start to write in croatian and english language. This things bothered me so I wrote a post. / od dans ću pisati i na hrvatskom jeziku. Ove me stvari muče pa ih staljam u post.

In line with modern times I often take a peek at Facebook. It stopped long time ago beeing just a place where I say hello to my friends and share some images or messages. It is to me, such as former daily newspaper that informed about many things, I ‘m interested in that time. For example: Where will be hold a concert in the city where I live, offers about cheap travels, where weill be hold promoting of a a book or some exhibition opening. I’m also a member of many FB groups, and that’s why I follow some of the comments and discussions (sometimes active, sometimes passive). In fact that discussions caused opening of these issues. I do not know how often do you follow that but for me it is horrible when people do not share the opinion about something, and then go “bickering” OR try to be too smart, but not as might be pleasant  or reading than in the way without arguments toward abusive levels. The worst thing is, must say that ,many of them are college-educated and I wonder and wonder. From these I expect not only to be experts in their work than to know how to communicate, either. WHEN you agree or disagree about anything. What do you think?

U skladu s modernim vremenom i ja često zavirim na Facebook. On je meni odavno prestao biti samo mjesto na kojem pozdravljam prijatelje i dijelim neke slike i poruke. On je za mene poput negdašnjih dnevnih novina u kojem sam se informirala o mnogim, meni zanimljivima stvarima. Kao npr. gdje će se održati neki koncert u gradu u kojem živim, nudi li se kakvo jeftino putovanje, gdje je promocija neke knjige ili otvaranje izložbe. Osim toga članica sam i mnogih grupa, pa sam u tijeku nekih komentara i rasprava ( nekad aktivno, nekad pasivno). Zapravo me je to i ponukalo na otvaranje ove teme. Ne znam koliko vi to pratite, ali meni je svaki put grozno kada ljudi ne dijele mišljenje o nečemu, pa onda krene „prepucavanje“ ili pametovanje, ali ne onako kako bi to bilo ugodno za čitanje nego onako bez argumenata i na uvredljivoj razini. E sada ono najbolje, a to je da mi se čini da su mnogi među njima i fakultetski obrazovani pa se čudim i čudim. Od takvih očekujem ne samo da budu stručnjaci u svom poslu nego i da umiju komunicirati. I kada se slažu i kada se ne slažu. Što Vi mislite?

Thanks for coming / Hvala za dolazak



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